I want to share with you the currency trading revolution that has transformed this business into a new market. This is the fastest growing and also largest market in the world with over three trillion dollars a day in trades.
If you go back around 30 years ago, there was currency trading going on, as there is today. But there were much different players back than. Only the biggest banks and firms were trading. A lot of money was moving around, but only a few elite people were in the position to trade. Ordinary people never had access to this, unless they were involved with a bank. Banks would take commissions and there was really nothing an average Joe could do about this.
Fast forward to the 90's and the real birth of the internet. Dial up become a big service for people to have and really transformed the way we communicate on the internet. If you move into the 2000 era, we're experiencing an explosion of high speed internet. In the Western world most people have high speed internet now. What does this have to do with currency trading? The internet has leveled the playing field.
Today, the smallest trader from their home can compete along side the biggest banks and be successful at it. The internet has created a currency trading revolution that has made this market explode in size. Never before was it so easy for just ordinary people to trade in this market. There is an amazing potential for all people to profit and learn.
I'm currently giving a 7 day free forex course. Newbies and experienced are all welcome. If you're interested in participating, check out the Casual Forex Trader.
Reuters - Weak Japanese exports and poor corporate earnings provided more evidence of the economic damage wrought by the global financial crisis, knocking Asian shares to four-year lows on Thursday.
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